Sunday 16 October 2011

White Books

  So basically we have been asked to do paint and entire book white picked up from a charity shop to be used as a sketchbook. Sounds interesting right? Wrong! It is verging on the impossible practically. First emulsion paint actually does not dry, second it just looks like a slightly whiter book, third books are large and have many pages, fourth these books are older and the pages are thin so they rip and turn to pulp and basically I would like to think I have some kind of life. If it worked I am sure it would be amazing.

Apart from the fact my accomodation already looks like a mental instattute this kind of exercise is brain numbing and just plain mean. Since we hadn't done much actual drawings I pulled out my sketchbook a few days ago, to get back in the swing. Something I resulted to a fair amount through this. So I decided the drawings were probably a better post to put up to be honest with you.

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