Friday 18 November 2011

Fashion shoot??

Well hello!
I am sorry, not making excuses (well i am) but my laptop died! Honestly. So now i have it back I'm putting up some pic's I took the other day. Dispite being a "textile student", I actually have absolutely no idea how to dress myself properly haha. So while Alyce gave me some tips I did a few fashion shots for her.

Saturday 22 October 2011


 Trying to get back into taking pictures! Took some snaps quickly today for my project and just for the sake of it and also a great scape from the crazy life of first year at Uni.

 Love the contrast in the black and white below, might use that as my main concept for my white book project. Basically turning the white book into a piece of design. Creating a theme and decorating it to say it plainly.

Monday 17 October 2011

Birds can Fly- Poetry

Now be kind! This is a little something i wrote a while back, thought i'd put the book to use. haha.

Sunday 16 October 2011

White Books

  So basically we have been asked to do paint and entire book white picked up from a charity shop to be used as a sketchbook. Sounds interesting right? Wrong! It is verging on the impossible practically. First emulsion paint actually does not dry, second it just looks like a slightly whiter book, third books are large and have many pages, fourth these books are older and the pages are thin so they rip and turn to pulp and basically I would like to think I have some kind of life. If it worked I am sure it would be amazing.

Apart from the fact my accomodation already looks like a mental instattute this kind of exercise is brain numbing and just plain mean. Since we hadn't done much actual drawings I pulled out my sketchbook a few days ago, to get back in the swing. Something I resulted to a fair amount through this. So I decided the drawings were probably a better post to put up to be honest with you.

Saturday 15 October 2011

The Sea. The Sea.

Today more than most I am craving the oceanside..
These are three snaps taken on my trip to California last year that i never touched, redescovered thought I'd give them a little glory. The fist only captured after I'd pegged it up and down the ocean trying to get the birds to fly across the rediculously stunning background. Camping trip to the oceanside is due sooooon!!!!